Replacing the projector lamp
This section provides detailed instructions for replacing the projector lamp module.
Removing and replacing the projector lamp module
Eventually the lamp will dim and a message will appear reminding you to replace it. Make sure you
have a replacement lamp module before proceeding with the following instructions.
lSee smarttech.com/compliance for the projector’s MSDS documents.
lReplace the lamp module when the projector displays its lamp life warning message. If you
continue to use the projector after this message appears, the lamp can shatter or burst,
scattering glass throughout the projector.
lIf the lamp shatters or bursts, leave and then ventilate the area.
Next do the following:
oAvoid touching the glass fragments because they can cause injury.
oWash your hands thoroughly if you have come into contact with lamp debris.
oThoroughly clean the area around the projector, and discard any edible items placed in
that area because they could be contaminated.
oCall your authorized SMART reseller for instructions. Do not attempt to replace the
lReplacing the lamp module in a wall-mounted projector can result in a fall or injury. Use
caution when climbing a ladder, and consider removing the projector from the wall-mounting
bracket to replace the lamp module.
lUncovering the lamp while the projector is mounted on the wall-mounting bracket can lead to
product damage or personal injury from falling pieces of glass if the lamp is broken.
C H A P T E R 6
Maintaining your interactive whiteboard system