rate defined using the [RAMP] command. The ramping may be stopped at any time using the [RST] command.

Command Format: [RDNmCnUi]

Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)

m = Output No. (n = # from 1 to 8)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


Ramp the output volume for output number 8 from a starting level of 32 down to 00 for the card in slot 8. Send the command [RDN8C8] and the system will respond with the following feedback:


39.[RDNm=xx] MT110-103 ONLY

This command ramps a specified output’s volume down to a user defined level at a rate defined using the [RAMP] command.

Command Format: [RDN=xxCnUi]

m= Output No. (xx = # from 1-8) xx = Stop Level (xx = # from 01-32)

Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


Ramp the output volume for output number 8 from a starting level of 32 down to 16 for the card in slot 8. Send the command [RDN8=16C8] and the system will respond with the following feedback:


40.[RST] MT110-103 ONLY

This command stops ramping and maintains the last volume setting. It may be used as a stand-alone command, but is designed to be used along with a volume key assignment on the front panel. As a volume key, the ramping action begins when the key is depressed and then stops when the key is released. See the code sample at the beginning of the volume ramping section.

Command Format: [RSTCnUi]

Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


The card in slot 8 is ramping from 1 to 32 at a rate of 32 steps in 18 seconds. Send the command [RSTC8] and the card will stop ramping the output volume. The last displayed volume setting will remain the current volume level.

41.[RAMP] MT110-103 ONLY

This command displays the ramping time for 32 steps. The time between each step is equal to the time in seconds divided by 32.

Command Format: [RAMPCnUi]

Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


Display the ramp rate setting for the card in slot 8 by sending the command [RAMPC8]. The system will respond with feedback similar to the following:




Page 21
Image 21
Altinex MT110-101 manual Ramptime = 6 Seconds