PRESE T Keys Lock and Unlock | |
PRESET | Keys A throug h H can be loc ked in order to |
prevent storing, alteri ng or era sing a program. | |
To lock the PRESET Keys, press and hold the "I" Key | |
until the ove n beeps . Release the “I” key. The green | |
indi cator on the "I" key will illumi nate. Oven PRESET | |
Keys A throu gh H are now loc ked. | |
Note: | Only the oven PRESET keys A through H are |
| affected by this |
| the oven to be used with the unprog rammed |
| Cook, Probe, or Hold modes. |
To unlock the PRES ET Keys, press and hold the
CANC EL Key along wit h the "I" Key until you hear a bri ef beep . Relea se all keys. The gree n indic ator on the "I" key will ext ingui sh. The oven preset keys are now unlocke d.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Selection With the con trol in the off mo de,
press and hold the UP ARROW Key unt il the disp lay toggles betwee n Fahrenhe it
and Celsiu s. After each change the button must be relea sed. The displ ay must clear before the proced ure can be repeated.
Cont rol Pan el Lock and Unlock
The control panel can be locked at any time in order to prevent inadvertent or accidental setting changes.
To lock the control panel, press and hold the UP ARROW Key and then press the ON/OFF Key.
You will hear a brief beep and the panel lock indicator will illuminate. Release all keys. The oven's control panel is now locked.
Note: The control panel is now fully locked
with the exception of the ON/OFF Key and ARROW keys. You will be unable to turn the oven control off at this point.
To unlock the control panel, press and hold the DOWN
ARROW Key and then press the ON/OFF Key. You will hear two brief beeps and the panel lock indicator will extinguish. Release all keys. The panel is now unlocked and ready for normal use.
Beep er Volume Selection With the control in the off mode, press and hold the DOWN ARROW Key until the display shows one of the 4 volume levels (0 being OFF or the lowest, and 3 being the highest). After each change, the button must be released and the display must clear before the procedure can be repeated to select a different volume level.
767- SK/III, 1767 | PG . 17 |