The first time you play an Audible audiobook, you will be prompted to register your Kindle with Audible. Make sure you register with your Audible account name and password, not your Amazon account credentials. For more information on Audible, go to http://www.audible.com.
To transfer audiobooks to your Kindle, follow these steps:
1.Connect your Kindle to your computer, using the USB cable that came with the device.
2.Your Kindle should appear on your computer in the same location you would normally find an external USB drive.
3.Open your Kindle. You should see a folder entitled “Audible.” Drag any audiobooks you want to play on your Kindle into this folder.
4.Using your computer,
Tip: To pause the playing of Audible, press the space bar on the keyboard and press the spacebar again to resume.
KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2nd EDITION | Chapter 8 · 115 |