Cover — takes you to the cover page of the item you are reading.
Go to Beginning — takes you to the beginning of the PDF file.
Go to Page… — displays a text entry box at the bottom of the screen, so you can specify a page to jump to in the content.
Search This Document — displays the Search line at the bottom of the screen. This allows you search for a word or a combination of words inside the currently opened PDF document. This feature doesn’t work in cases where a PDF document was created using image files.
Add a Bookmark — bookmarks the page you are currently on. After selecting this option, the upper right corner of the PDF will be
My Bookmarks — displays a page containing all of your current item’s bookmarks.
3.7 Listening to Audio Materials
There are three types of audio materials that you can listen to on your Kindle. You can purchase, transfer, and listen to audiobooks from Audible.com, transfer MP3 files from your computer to play as background music while you read, or turn on
KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2nd EDITION | Chapter 3 · 68 |