The Kindle Store offers thousands of Kindle blogs, including
In addition to purchased content, you can read your personal documents on Kindle.
Kindle DX can display a PDF document without losing the formatting of the original file. You can either drag PDF files over USB to your device or
Additionally, if you have files formatted as text, Microsoft Word, HTML or image files like GIF or JPEG, you can
for free or via Whispernet to your Kindle for a fee, whichever you prefer. For more information on transferring, converting, and
For details on fees, see the “Your individual charges” section of your Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon.com.
You can download and enjoy thousands of audiobooks from Audible.com. Due to their large file size, audiobooks must be downloaded to your PC or Mac over your existing Internet connection and then transferred to Kindle over USB. Listen to audiobooks through Kindle’s speakers or plug in your headphones for private listening. For more information on transferring and listening to audiobooks, see Chapter 8.
KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2nd EDITION | Chapter 3 · 43 |