If you like to listen to music while you use your Kindle, use your computer to transfer MP3 files to the “music” folder on your Kindle. When you select “Play MP3” from the Experimental page, each of the songs will play in the order they were added to your Kindle.
3.2 Content Formatting on Kindle
When you read a book on Kindle, you will find that the formatting generally follows the printed version of the book. If the book has a table of contents, it will appear in Kindle. If the book has chapters, a preface, an illustrated cover, and so forth, these will be displayed.
While you are reading, each page displays a header showing the content title and/or issue date. The top of the page shows the battery and Whispernet status indicators.
KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2nd EDITION | Chapter 3 · 44 |