AMX 68000 Target Guide
The following examples illustrate how simple an Interrupt Handler can be./* The ISP root definition in the Target Parameter File is as follows:*/
/* ...ISPC deviceisp,deviceih,26,0,0 */
/* The ISP root is given the public name deviceisp */
/* The Interrupt Handler is named deviceih */
/* The device interrupts on vector number 26 (level 2) */
void CJ_CCPP deviceih(void)
{local variables, if required
Clear the source of the interrupt request.
Perform all device service.
/* Assume dcbinfo is some application device control block structure. */
/* Assume deviceXdcb is a structure variable defined as */
/* "struct dcbinfo deviceXdcb;". */
/* */
/* The ISP root definition in the Target Parameter File is as follows:*/
/* ...ISPC dcb_isp,dcb_ih,30,deviceXdcb,1 */
/* The ISP root is given the public name dcb_isp */
/* The Interrupt Handler is named dcb_ih */
/* The device interrupts on vector number 30 (level 6) */
/* deviceXdcb is the name of the public structure variable which */
/* contains information about the specific device. */
void CJ_CCPP dcb_ih(struct dcbinfo *dcbp)
{local variables, if required
Use device control block pointer dcbp to access structure variable
deviceXdcb to determine device addresses.
Clear the source of the interrupt request.
Perform all device service.