AMX 68000 Target Guide
4.3 Interrupt Service Procedure (ISP) DefinitionsYour Target Configuration Module must include a device ISP root for each conforming
ISP which you intend to use in your application. The ISP roots are constructed for you
by the AMX Configuration Builder from ISP descriptions which you enter in the ISP
Definition window. The layout of the window is shown below.
To add an ISP definition, click on the Add button. A new ISP with a default ISP root
name of ---New--- will appear at the bottom of the ISP list and will be opened ready for
editing. When you enter a name for the ISP root, it will replace the default name in the
ISP list.
To edit an existing ISP definition, click on the name of the ISP root in the ISP list. The
ISP definition will appear in the property page and will be opened ready for editing.
To delete an existing ISP definition, click on the name of the ISP root in the ISP list.
Then click on the Delete button. Be careful because you cannot undo an ISP deletion.