B-4 rev7
AMX 68000 Target Guide
Interrupts AMX procedures frequently must deal with the processor interrupt mask.
The effect of each AMX procedure on the interrupt state is defined
according to the following legend.
n Disabled n Enabled n Restored
(Not in ISP)
D E R Effect on Interrupts
ooo Untouched
noo Disabled and left disabled upon return
ono Enabled and left enabled upon return
nno Disabled and then enabled upon return
non Disabled and then, prior to return, restored to the state in
effect upon entry to the procedure
nnn Disabled, possibly briefly enabled and then, prior to return,
restored to the state in effect upon entry to the procedure
The warning (Not in ISP) will be present as a reminder that when the Interrupt
Handler of a conforming ISP calls the AMX procedure, interrupts will
NOT be explicitly enabled by the AMX procedure. If interrupts are
enabled when an Interrupt Handler calls the AMX procedure, they will be
enabled upon return.
Returns The outputs, if any, produced by the procedure are always defined.
Most AMX procedures return an integer error status identified as a
CJ_ERRST. Note that CJ_ERRST is not a C data type. CJ_ERRST is defined
(using #define) to be an int allowing error codes to be easily handled as
integers but readily identified as AMX error codes.
Restrictions If any restrictions on the use of the procedure exist, they are described.
Note Special notes, suggestions or warnings are offered where necessary.
Task Switch Task switching effects, if any, are described.
Example An example is provided for each of the more complex AMX procedures.
The examples are kept simple and are intended only to illustrate the
correct calling sequence.
See Also A cross reference to other related AMX procedures is alwa ys provided if