AMX 68000 Target Guide
Appendix C. AMX 68000 ROM OptionAn AMX system can be configured in two ways. The particular configuration is chosen
to best meet your application needs.
Most AMX systems are linked. Your AMX application is linked with your System
Configuration Module, your Target Configuration Module and the AMX Library. The
resulting load module is then copied to memory for execution either by loading the image
into RAM or by committing the image to ROM. Such a ROM contains an image of your
application merged with AMX in an inseparable fashion.
The AMX ROM option offers an alternate method of committing AMX to ROM. The
ROM option allows the subset of AMX and its managers required by your application to
be linked together without any application code to form a separate AMX ROM image.
The resulting ROM can be located anywhere in your memory configuration. The penalty
paid for ROMing in this fashion is slightly slower access by application code to AMX
Selecting AMX ROM Options
To support an AMX ROM system, the following files are provided.
CJ532ROP.LKT AMX ROM Option toolset dependent
Link Specification Template
CJ532ROP.CT AMX ROM Option Template
CJ532RAC.CT AMX ROM Access Template
To use the AMX ROM option, you must edit your Target Parameter File to identify the
AMX components which you wish to place in the AMX ROM and to specify where the
AMX ROM is to be located. You can use the AMX Configuration Builder to enter these
parameters as described in Chapter 4.6.