AMX 68000 Target Guide
AMX ROM Option
To use the AMX ROM option, the Target Parameter File must include the following
...ROMSM ;Semaphore Manager
...ROMEM ;Event Manager
...ROMMB ;Mailbox Manager
...ROMMX ;Message Exchange Manager
...ROMBM ;Buffer Manager
...ROMMM ;Memory Manager
...ROMCL ;Circular List Manager
...ROMLL ;Linked List Manager
...ROMTD ;Time/Date Manager
Parameter ROMADR is the absolute physical ROM address at which the AMX ROM image
is to be located.
Parameter RAMADR is the absolute physical RAM address of a block of 32 bytes reserved
for use by AMX.
Both ROMADR and RAMADR must specify memory addresses which are long aligned.
Parameters ROMADR and RAMADR must be expressed as undecorated hexadecimal numbers.
An undecorated hexadecimal number is a hexadecimal number expressed without the
leading or trailing symbols used by programming languages to identify such numbers.
Language Hexadecimal Undecorated
Assembler (Intel) 0ABCDEF01H ABCDEF01
Assembler (Motorola) $ABCDEF01 ABCDEF01
Keywords ...ROMxx are used to identify the AMX managers which you wish to commit
to the AMX ROM. If you do not want a particular manager to be in the ROM, omit the
corresponding keyword statement from the Target Parameter File or insert the comment
character ; in front of the keyword.