AMX 68000 Target Guide
4.6 ROM Option Parameters
The AMX ROM Option allows the subset of AMX and its managers required by your
application to be linked together without any application code to form a separate AMX
ROM image. The resulting AMX ROM can be located anywhere in your memory
configuration. Your AMX application is then linked with a ROM Access Module which
provides access to AMX and its managers in the AMX ROM.
The AMX ROM Option Module defines the subset of AMX and its managers which you
wish to commit to the AMX ROM. This module is assembled and linked with the AMX
Library to create that ROM. The AMX ROM Option Link/Locate Specification File is
used to link and locate the ROM image as described in the toolset dependent chapter of
the AMX Tool Guide.
The AMX ROM Access Module provides your AMX application with access to the
AMX ROM. This module is assembled and linked with your AMX application.
To access the ROM Option window, use the AMX Configuration Builder to open your
Target Parameter File. From the selector list, pick the ROM Option Module selector
making it the active selector. The layout of the window is shown below.