AMX 68000 Target Guide
cjksivtwr cjksivtwrPurpose Write to the AMX Vector Table
Used by n Task n ISP n Timer Procedure n Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup Prototype is in file
#include "CJZZZ.H"
CJ_ERRST CJ_CCPP cjksivtwr(int vector, CJ_ISPPROC newproc);
Description vector is the processor vector number (0 to 255).
Vectors 12, 16 to 23 and 59 to 63 are reserved by Motorola.
newproc is a pointer to the new Interrupt Service Procedure.
Interrupts o Disabled o Enabled o Restored
Returns Error status is returned.
CJ_EROK Call successful.
Errors returned:
CJ_ERNOACCESS AMX Vector Table is not accessible.
AMX was launched with access to its
Vector Table denied.
Restrictions You must NOT use this procedure to alter the task trap vectors (vector =
CJ_PRVNZD, CJ_PRVNCH or CJ_PRVNTV). Use cjksitrap for that purpose.
See Also cjksivtrd, cjksivtx