AMX 68000 Target Guide
Linking for AMX ROM Access
The AMX Configuration Generator is used to produce a ROM Access Module which,
when linked with your application, provides access to AMX in the AMX ROM.
The Configuration Generator combines the information in your Target Parameter File
with the ROM Access Template file CJ532RAC.CT to produce an assembly language
ROM Access Module CJ532RAC.ASM.
You can use the AMX Configuration Builder to generate the ROM Access Module. Use
the AMX Configuration Manager to open your Target Parameter File. Make the ROM
Access Module selector the active selector. The ROM Option window will become
visible allowing you to view your ROM option parameters. To generate the ROM
Access Module, select Generate... from the File menu.
If you are unable to use the AMX Configuration Manager or are creating your ROM
Access Module from within a make file, you can use the stand alone version of the
Configuration Generator. If your Target Parameter File is named HDWCFG.UP, the stand
alone version of the Configuration Generator utility is invoked as follows:
The ROM Access Module CJ532RAC.ASM is then assembled in exactly the same manner
as your Target Configuration Module HDWCFG.ASM according to the directions in the
AMX Tool Guides.
The AMX ROM Access Module provides access to all of the procedures of AMX and the
subset of AMX managers which you included in your AMX ROM. These ROM access
procedures make software jumps to the ROM resident procedures.
To create an AMX system which uses your AMX ROM, proceed just as though you were
going to include AMX as part of a linked system. Your System Configuration Module
must indicate that AMX and its managers are in a separate ROM. To meet this
requirement, you may have to use the AMX Configuration Manager to edit your User
Parameter File accordingly and regenerate your System Configuration Module. If you do
so, do not forget to recompile the System Configuration Module.
Your AMX application is then linked as described in the AMX Tool Guides. However,
since AMX and a subset of its managers are in ROM, you must include the AMX ROM
Access Module CJ532RAC.OBJ in your list of object modules to be linked. By so doing,
you will preclude the inclusion of AMX and its managers from the AMX Library
Note that you must still include the AMX Library CJ532.LIB in your link in order to
have access to the small subset of AMX procedures which are never installed in your
Note that your toolset may require filename extensions other than .OBJ and .LIB for
object and library files.