LaserWriter Select 310 Software
Setting Compatibility Operators 23
Setting System Parameters 2
This section describes the compatibility operators that set Level 1 system parameters.

checkpassword 2

defaulttimeouts 2

idlefonts 2

pagecount 2

Syntax int checkpassword bool
Definition This operator checks the validity of the current password. It returns true
if int is equal to the current system administrator password. Otherwise,
after delaying for one second, it returns false.
Standard value: 0
Error None
Syntax defaulttimeouts job manualfeed wait
Definition This operator returns the following values:
default job
manual feed
wait timeout values
Standard value: 0 60 40
Error stackoverflow
Syntax – idlefonts mark font sxsy rot chars
Definition This operator pushes a mark followed by the integers that control idle
time scan conversion (see setidlefonts). An empty list of integers, that
is one with just a mark on the top of the operand stack, specifies that the
standard set of characters is to be scan converted.
Standard value: mark
Error stackoverflow
Syntax – pagecount int
Definition This operator returns the value of the system parameter PageCount.
That is, it returns the number of pages that have been printed by the
LaserWriter Select 310 printer.
There is no way to reset this value.
Error stackoverflow