C H A P T E R 2
LaserWriter Select 310 Software
Syntax | channel sccbatch baud options |
Definition This operator returns the baud rate and options for the specified serial channel. Channel 9 only is available with this printer.
baud and options affect the following device parameters:
■Baud, StopBits, and FlowControl
■DataBits and Parity
See “setsccbatch” for further information.
The values for data bits and parity are determined by the bit positions. See the section “SCC Operator Encoding” in Chapter 3.
Baud, stop bits, and flow control are determined respectively by the corresponding settings for Baud, StopBits, and FlowControl device parameters.
Standard value: 57600 68
This value represents an
of 57600, space parity, DTR flow control, 8 data bits, and one stop bit. (See Table
Errors rangecheck, stackoverflow, stackunderflow, typecheck
Syntax | bool setpacketbackchannel – |
Definition This operator sets the serial communications back channel packet DTR protocol to be on if bool is true, or off if bool is false. The packet protocol is used exclusively by the Apple LaserWriter driver and should be set by it only.
Errors invalidaccess, stackunderflow, typecheck
34 | Setting Compatibility Operators |