C H A P T E R 2
LaserWriter Select 310 Software
Setting User Parameters
This section describes the compatibility operators that set Level 1 user parameters.
Syntax | – jobname string |
Definition This operator is a string with the same value as the user parameter JobName. It specifies the name of the current job. If a PostScript language program defines jobname, status responses generated during the remainder of the job in progress will include a job field that reports the text of this string. The string should not contain the characters ; or ], since they would disrupt the syntax of the status messages.
Standard value: null
Error stackoverflow
Syntax | – jobtimeout int |
Definition This operator returns the number of seconds remaining before the job timeout will occur. It does this by returning the value of the user parameter JobTimeout. If the returned value is 0, the job will never time out.
Standard value: 0
Error stackoverflow
Syntax | int setjobtimeout – |
Definition This operator sets the timeout for the current job to the value int, a
At the beginning of a job, the server initially sets the job timeout to the default job timeout returned by defaulttimeouts. However, in interactive mode, the initial job timeout is always 0.
Error rangecheck, stackunderflow, typecheck
Setting Compatibility Operators | 31 |