C H A P T E R 2
LaserWriter Select 310 Software
Syntax – manualfeed bool
Definition If manualfeed is true at the time of a showpage or copypage, then that page will be fed manually. Otherwise, the page will not be fed manually.
Standard value: false
Error stackoverflow
Syntax | – manualfeedtimeout int |
Definition This operator is the manual feed timeout currently in effect, that is, the number of seconds the LaserWriter Select 310 printer will wait for a page to be inserted into the manual feed slot. This timeout applies only when the printer is in manual feed mode and manualfeed is true.
At the beginning of a job, the server initializes manualfeedtimeout to the default manual feed timeout returned by defaulttimeouts. However, a PostScript language program may change it to any
Standard value: 60
Error stackoverflow
Syntax | – margins top left |
Definition This operator returns the x and y components of the page deviceMargins parameter as left and top, respectively.
Standard value: 0
Error stackoverflow
Syntax | – pagestackorder bool |
Definition This operator returns the last value set by setpagestackorder. It should be true if the pages are to be stacked face down in the output tray and false if the pages are to be stacked face up.
Standard value: true
Error stackoverflow
Setting Compatibility Operators | 27 |