C H A P T E R 2
LaserWriter Select 310 Software
Packed Arrays
PostScript language procedures are represented as executable arrays, which were previously stored in the same fashion as literal data arrays. This type of representation offers maximum flexibility but is very costly in terms of space, requiring 8 bytes per element. Large PostScript Language programs, such as the
Programs do not require the ability to be treated as data, but only the ability to be executed. The packed array fulfils this requirement. Programs represented as packed arrays are typically 50% to 70% smaller than programs represented as ordinary arrays.
Packed Arrays Versus Ordinary Arrays
The packed array object has a type different from an ordinary array, using packedarraytype instead of arraytype. However, in most respects it behaves in the same way. You can
■extract elements using get
■extract subarrays using getinterval
■enumerate the array using forall
Individual elements extracted from a packed array are ordinary PostScript language objects. A
Packed arrays are different from ordinary arrays in the following ways:
■packed arrays are always read only; you cannot use put or putinterval to store into one
■packed arrays are created differently; (see the section below, “Creating Packed Arrays”)
■accessing arbitrary elements of a packed array can be quite a slow process; however, accessing elements sequentially, as the PostScript interpreter and the forall operator do, is almost as efficient as accessing an ordinary array
■the copy operator cannot copy into a packed array, since the array is read only. However, it can copy the value of a packed array to an ordinary array that is at least as long as the packed array
Creating Packed Arrays
Packed arrays may be created in two ways. The first and more common way is for the PostScript interpreter’s input scanner to create packed arrays automatically for all executable arrays that it reads. This means that whenever the scanner encounters a { while reading a file or string, it accumulates all tokens up to the matching } and turns them into a packed array instead of an ordinary array.
The choice of array type is controlled by a mode setting, manipulated by the new operators, setpacking and currentpacking. (See “Setting Extensions to PostScript Level 1,” earlier in this chapter.) If the array packing mode is true, PostScript language procedures encountered subsequently by the scanner are created as packed arrays. If the mode is false, procedures are created as ordinary arrays. The default value is false to preserve compatibility with existing programs.
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