7 ) Set Switches According to Slot
The Controller Card will work from any slot. However, there are a few conditions of which you need to be aware.
Do n o t install the card into the Memory Expansion slot.
We recommend installing the controller card into slot 6 or 7.
Check the switches on the card. The switch block is the red rectangular box toward the bottom right of the card. The switches should be set as shown below. (You’ll probably need to remove the tape covering the switches first.)
•.Note: For a complete description of the functions of the switches, refer to App. D.
Use a small, pointed object, like a wooden toothpick or
The circle on each switch represents the end that should be pressed for a standard IIGS setup.
Switch Setting
Default Switch Setting
Slot 7 Exception (Pseudo-Slotting)
If your slot 7 does not have a card in it, but is blocked, you can install the card into another slot and make it appear to be in slot 7. This is most valuable if you have slot 3, 4, or 5 unoccupied. You can leave the slot containing the card is set to that slot’s function. This leaves slot 3 free for its 80 column function, slot 4 free for mouse control, or slot 5 free for Smart Port (disk drive control). This process is called
If you want to
4 Vulcan