•][ Plus Note: If the holes don’t align, try turning one or both of the bottom plates around.
9 ) Plug Internal Power Cord Into Motherboard.
Return the computer to its normal position. The Vulcan’s internal power cord plugs into the motherboard in the same place as the old power supply’s cord. The connector’s push tabs should be toward the left and right.
•Note: Do not force the connector; it will attach easily in one direction.
Plug Internal Cord Into Motherboard
10)Set Switches According to Slot
The Controller Card will work from any slot. Before installing the card, note the following:
◊Do n o t install the card into the Memory Expansion slot.
◊We recommend installing the controller card into slot 7. The //e and ][ Plus will look for a boot source starting at slot 7 and working down. If you want to boot from the Vulcan, it will need to be in a higher slot than your other drives.
◊Check the switches on the card. The switch block is the red rectangular box toward the bottom right of the card. The switches should be set as shown below.
*Note: You’ll probably need to remove the tape covering the switches.
12 Vulcan