

The controller card has a block of four switches located in the lower right hand corner.

What They Do

Switch 1, Interrupt Enable - This switch must be closed in

order for any interrupts generated by the Hard Drive to pass through to the Apple. (Interrupts are not used at this time.)

Switch 2, PS Enable - When pseudo-slotting in the Apple IIGS, this switch must be closed. When pseudo-slotting in a //e or ] [ + , this switch must be open.

Switch 3, ][+ Boot Enable - Leaving this switch open allows a II+ or an unenhanced // e to boot directly from the hard

disk. If the hard disk is not to be the boot device in these systems, this switch should be closed. In a IIGS or an enhanced // e, this switch should also be closed.

Switch 4, Pseudo-Slot Enable - When this switch is closed, the controller card will show up in slot 7, no matter

which slot it is in. With it open, the card uses the slot in which it is placed.

How To Set Them

To change the switch settings, use a small, pointed object, like a wooden toothpick or bent-out paperclip. The circle on each switch represents the end that is pressed.

Push down on

Push down on

number side to
side marked “OPEN”
close (ON)
to open (OFF)
Side View

Side View

(from right end)

(from right end)

Flipping the Switches
50 Vulcan