If you want the card to appear to be in the slot in which it is installed, set switch 4 to Open. Switch 2 can be Open or Closed.
11)Insert Card Into Slot
Align the gold “fingers” of the controller cards edge connector with the slot; then use the heel of one hand to push the card down into the slot and seat it firmly.
Insert Controller Card into Slot
12)Connect Cable from Vulcan to Controller Card
Attach the wide flat cable from the hard drive to the connector on the controller card. The connector and socket are keyed so that they will attach in only one way.
Make sure that the cable connector is firmly seated in the controller card socket.
13)ReInstall Any Cards Removed
Replace any cards you have removed for the installation following those cards’ installation instructions.
*WARNING! IF YOU HAVE A CARD IN SLOT 1, use the insulator card (2” x 6”) included with the Vulcan package. Applied Engineering will not be responsible for damage to any other products so be careful when reinstalling your cards.
14 Vulcan