You can also calibrate Nike + iPod using the workout you just finished. This is useful if you’ve traveled a known distance that doesn’t match the summary distance displayed on your device.
To calibrate using your latest completed workout:
mm iPod nano: Choose End Workout, and then choose Calibrate. Set the correct distance you walked or ran, and press the Center button.
mm iPhone 3G S and iPod touch: Tap End Workout, then tap Calibration and set the correct distance you walked or ran. Tap Save, then tap Done.
The device senses whether the workout was a walk or run and correctly uses the new calibration to override the existing one.
To reset Nike + iPod calibration to the default setting:
mm iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Sensor > Calibrate > Reset Walk or Reset Run.
mm iPhone 3G S and iPod touch: Choose Nike + iPod > Calibration > Run or Walk, and then choose “Reset to Default.”