Zero Air Filter
The Zero Air Filter removes mercury vapor, mercaptans, and hydrogen sulfide from the air sample. Readings with the filter installed should be near zero.
Because air that is cooler than the instrument will cause low readings and warmer air will cause higher readings, the Zero Air Filter should be used to equilibrate the unit to ambient air. Continuous sampling with clean air will not cause saturation of the gold film sensor but will equalize temperatures faster to allow accurate analysis to begin sooner.
The Zero Air Filter can also be used to identify contamination within the instrument. If the readings do not reduce to near zero with the filter installed, contamination should be suspected. If the readings do drop to near zero with the filter installed but elevate with the filter removed, the presence of hydrogen sulfide at the sampled location is confirmed.
For more information on the use of the Zero Air Filter, contact customer service at

Gas Flow Schematics
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