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1.3 Relationship between AMBA Network Interconnect and AMBA DesignerAMBA Designer is a configuration tool that generates a specific implementation of an AMBA
Network Interconnect. AMBA Designer drives the AMBA Network Interconnect generation
engine to provide the following for a set of configuration parameters and implementation
• Verilog Register Transfer Level (RTL)
• testbench and stimulus synthesis scripts.
The documentation suites and implementation scripts for the AMBA Network Interconnect and
AMBA Designer are designed to be used together to describe the principles of the AMBA
Network Interconnect and the actual configuration options. There is no duplication between the
two sets of documentation. The following sections describe the information that each
documentation suite provides:
•AMBA Network Interconnect documentation
•AMBA Designer documentation.
1.3.1 AMBA Network Interconnect documentation
The AMBA Network Interconnect documentation consists of:
TRM The Technical Reference Manual (TRM) describes how to create the transfer
function and possible capabilities of the network component and how to
dynamically change it using the programmers model.
IG The Implementation Guide (IG) describes how to set up the network environment
and how to use it to run RTL simulations or implementation scripts.
IM The Integration Manual (IM) describes how to integrate a configured network
into a larger subsystem.
1.3.2 AMBA Designer documentation
The AMBA Designer (FD001) User Guide describes how to:
• Install AMBA Designer.
• Generate and verify RTL sub-systems of ARM IP.
• Stitch ARM components together. ARM components conform to the IP-XACT™ standard
from the SPIRIT Consortium™.
The AMBA Network Interconnect (NIC-301) Supplement to AMBA Designer (ADR-301) User
Guide describes how to produce a customized infrastructure.