Functional Description
ARM DDI 0397G Copyright ©2006-2010 ARM. All rights reserved. 2-11
ID031010 Non-Confidential
Although the AMBA Network Interconnect only outputs 32 address bits, you can configure the
APB address of any peripheral to be anywhere in the address map.
Configuration options
You can configure the following options:
data width downsize function that Downsizing data width function on page 2-14 describes
frequency domain crossing for the majority of APB ports of the following types:
—SYNC 1:1
—SYNC 1:n
—SYNC n:1
—SYNC n:m.
buffering that FIFO and clocking function on page 2-15 describes
1-16 supported APB slaves
configurable address region sizes
non-contiguous address regions
you can configure each APB slave for:
—APB2 or APB3
asynchronous interface to the majority of APB ports.
security of the following types:
secure for each APB port
non-secure for each APB port
boot secure for all APB ports.