ARM DDI 0397G Copyright ©2006-2010 ARM. All rights reserved. viii
ID031010 Non-Confidential
Denotes a permitted abbreviation for a command or option. You can enter
the underlined text instead of the full command or option name.
Denotes arguments to monospace text where the argument is to be
replaced by a specific value.
Denotes language keywords when used outside example code.
< and > Enclose replaceable terms for assembler syntax where they appear in code
or code fragments. For example:
MRC p15, 0 <Rd>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Opcode_2>
The signal conventions are:
Signal level The level of an asserted signal depends on whether the signal is
active-HIGH or active-LOW. Asserted means:
• HIGH for active-HIGH signals
• LOW for active-LOW signals.
Lower-case n At the start or end of a signal name denotes an active-LOW signal.
Additional reading
This section lists publications by ARM and by third parties.
See Infocenter, http://infocenter.arm.com, for access to ARM documentation.
ARM publications
This book contains information that is specific to this product. See the following documents for
other relevant information:
•AMBA® Network Interconnect (NIC-301) Integration Manual (ARM DII 0157)
•AMBA Network Interconnect (NIC-301) Implementation Guide (ARM DII 0222)
•AMBA Designer (ADR-301) User Guide (ARM DUI 0333)
•AMBA Network Interconnect (NIC-301) Supplement to AMBA Designer (ADR-301) User
Guide (ARM DSU 0003)
•AMBA AXI Protocol v1.0 Specification (ARMIHI 0022)
•AMBA 3 AHB-Lite Protocol v1.0 Specification (ARMIHI 0033)
•AMBA 3 APB Protocol v1.0 Specification (ARMIHI 0024)
•APB Rev E Specification (ARMIHI 0009).