Functional Description
ARM DDI 0397G Copyright ©2006-2010 ARM. All rights reserved. 2-4
ID031010 Non-Confidential
All transactions originating from this slave interface are flagged as non-secure
transactions and cannot access secure components.
Per access
The AxPROTx signal determines the security setting of each transaction, and
the slaves that it can access.
• Support for the full AXI protocol.
You can achieve a gate count reduction and a performance increase if the attached master
does not create any AXI lock transactions.
• Write acceptance capability of 1-32 transactions.
• Read acceptance capability of 1-32 transactions.
• Buffering, see FIFO and clocking function on page 2-15.
• Timing isolation:
— from the external master
— from the infrastructure.
AHB-Lite slave interfaces
The AMBA Network Interconnect can support the full AHB-Lite protocol using either:
• an AHB-Lite slave interface
• an AHB-Lite mirror master interface.
The following configuration options can improve AHB-Lite to AXI performance, but cannot
always be used robustly:
INCR promotion and Early Write Response
allow broken bursts
If you configure the interface as an AHB mirror master interface, you cannot configure
broken bursts
because the AHB-Lite protocol does not permit AHB-Lite masters to break
Table2-1 shows the four combinations for the configuratio n of
INCR promotion and Early Write
allow broken bursts
and contains links to detailed descriptions for each option.
Table2-1 Combination of configuration parameters
INCR promotion and Early Write Response allow broken bursts
Description of combination
Configured Not configured Combination 1 on page2-5
Not configured Configured Combination 2 on page2-5
Configured Configured Combination 3 on page2-5
Not configured Not configured Combination 4 on page2-6