ARM DDI 0397G Copyright ©2006-2010 ARM. All rights reserved. A-1
ID031010 Non-Confidential
Appendix A RevisionsThis appendix describes the technical changes between released issues of this book.
TableA-1 Differences between issue E and issue F
Change Location Affects
Network of interconnects instead of a single interconnect Throughout the document r2p0
Multiple outstanding downsizer transactions instead of limited outstanding downsizer
Throughout the document r2p0
Upsizer packs data into the wide bus, instead of an expander, for data width changes Throughout the document r2p0
Global dynamic QoS instead of local static QoS Throughout the document r2p0
Internally programmable instead of externally programmed Throughout the document r2p0
System-level address map replaces an address map for each interconnect Throughout the document r2p0
Extended timing closure options replace limited timing closure options Throughout the document r2p0
256-bit maximum data width instead of 128-bit maximum data width Throughout the document r2p0
Multi-region slave support replaces a single region per slave Throughout the document r2p0
Write FIFO, transaction release control instead of fixed write transaction release point Throughout the document r2p0