Helpful Tips
Home Answering Machines
Use of answering machine systems is not recommended as some systems may not be compatible with AT&T Wireless Home Phone Base.
If you choose not to use the voicemail provided by your Wireless Home Phone Base, you can use your home answering machine by plugging it into the “Phone 2” port on the back of your Wireless Home Phone Base.
Then, set your answering machine to pick up calls in fewer rings than the voicemail service, which is set to five (5) rings as a default.
Adjusting Volume
Use your home phone’s volume adjustment if available. Alternately, the volume of the Wireless Home Phone Base can be adjusted if necessary. While on a call, press ** or ## to enter Volume Setting Mode. Press * to decrease volume. Press # to increase volume.
To exit Volume Setting Mode press any other key or wait five (5) seconds.
• Four volume levels are available (level 1 to level 4); the default setting is the highest at level 4.
• Your home phone(s) may have a separate volume level setting function that is independent of the Wireless Home Phone Base.
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