28 Warranty
ZTE offers you a limited warranty that the enclosed subscriber
unit and its enclosed accessories will be free from defects in
material and workmanship for a period that expires one (1) year
from the date of sale of the Product to you, provided that you are
the original end-user purchaser of the Product and provided that
your purchase was made from a supplier authorized by the Seller.
Transfer or resale of a Product will automatically terminate warranty
coverage with respect to that Product. This limited warranty is
not transferable to any third party, including but not limited to
any subsequent purchaser or owner of the Product. This limited
warranty is applicable only to end users in the United States.
This product or phone is warrantied for 12 months from date
of purchase.
For warranty service information, please call ZTE service
number (877) 817-1759 (toll-free). The manufacturer’s website,
http://www.zteusa.com, is also available for assistance.
This warranty only applies if the product has been used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions under normal
use and with reasonable care.
What this warranty does not cover:
a) Defects or damages resulting from the misuse of this
b) Defects or damages from abnormal use, abnormal
conditions, improper storage, exposure to moisture,
dampness or corrosive environments, unauthorized
modifications, unauthorized repair, neglect, rough handling,
abuse, accident, alteration, improper installation, incorrect
voltage application, food or liquid spoilage, acts of God.
c) Normal wear and tear.
d) If the Product has been opened, modified or repaired by
anyone other than a warranty service center or if it is repaired
using unauthorized spare parts.
e) If the serial number or mobile accessory date code has been
removed, erased, defaced, altered, or are illegible in any way
subject to sole judgment of ZTE.