Chapter 3. OSD Operation





(Continued from previous page.)








Displays the current firmware version installed on the KH98. In


order to upgrade the KH98's firmware (see Chapter 5), you


must first invoke Firmware Upgrade Mode with this setting.


Only the Super Administrator responsible for the Master


Station can access this feature.




Allows you to configure the access information in necessary to


connect to IPMI enabled servers in your KH98 installation.


Note: Make sure to enter the corresponding IPMI configuration


information (user/password and BMC IP address) for each


IPMI enabled server on your KH98 installation. Failure to do


so, may cause the KH98 to display PET alerts incorrectly.


The KH98 supports both IPMI versions 1.5 and 2.0.


The access configuration settings are:


SET USER: Use this option to enter the Username and


Password required to access the IPMI enabled server


remotely. This is necessary in order to obtain the status


information of the server and to request a command such as


reboot. The Username and Password should be previously


provided by the IPMI enabled server admin.


1. Select the SET USER field, then a screen that allows you to


key in the Username and Password appears.


Note: The Username may be up to 16 characters long; the


Password may be up to 20, and both can consist of any


combination of capital letters and numbers (A - Z, 0 - 9).


2. Type the Username, Password, and Password confirma-


tion, then press [Enter] to save the information.


SET BMC IP: Use this option to enter the IP address of the


Baseboard Management Controller of the IPMI enabled server.


1. Select the SET BMC IP field, then a screen that allows you


to key in the BMC’s IP address appears.


2. Type the IP address, then press [Enter] to save the infor-






(Continues on next page.)