Chapter 3. OSD Operation


Clicking the F6 field, or pressing [F6], displays the Platform Event Trap alerts received from any IPMI enabled server in your KH98 installation.

PET alerts are triggered whenever an a monitored event occurs on an IPMI enabled server’s platform. These PET alerts contain information such as event type (temperature threshold exceeded, power fault, etc.), BMC IP address, time when it was triggered, sensor type, etc.


If the KH98 receives a PET alert while in idle mode (the screen is off), the following will take place:

1.The screen will turn on (wake up).

2.The KH98 will switch to the PET alert sending server.

3.The PET alert information will be displayed on the screen.

To receive PET alerts, the SET KVM IP & MAC section under F4 ADMIN should be previously configured by an Administrator. See SET KVM IP & MAC, page 30.

Note: When a new PET alert is received, the F6 PET ALERTS field on the OSD main screen will blink. Alternatively, the top left hand side of the monitor screen will also blink when not logged in to the OSD.

Up to 32 PET alerts can be viewed on the OSD main screen. After the maximum number is reached, the older messages will be deleted.