IP addresses for distribution to PCs
12 IP addresses continuing from through
(Actually, it can support up to 253 users.)
3.4 Information from ISP
Before beginning the configuration of the Router you have to know the parameters of your subscription ADSL.
There are five ways ― PPPoE, PPPoA, RFC1483 routed, IPoA, RFC1483 Bridge― for the device to have a public IP address and then to access Internet. You have to check with your ISP about which way is adopted.
VPI/VCI: Consult the telephone company to get the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) numbers. The valid range for the VPI is 0 to 255 and for the VCI is 32 to 65535. The default value VPI is 0 and VCI is 32.
For BT (VPI=0, VCI=38) and for KC ((VPI=1, VCI=50).
NAT: The NAT feature allows
Encapsulation Method: Be sure to use the encapsulation method (LLC/SNAP or VC MUX) required by your ISP.
Gather the information as illustrated in the following table and keep it for reference. Before start configuring this device, you have to check what kind of service is provided by your ISP, including the following:
3.PPPoE None
6.1483 Bridged IP
7.1483 Bridged IP LLC
8.1483 Routed IP
9.1483 Routed IP LLC
10.Classical IP over ATM
11.Native ATM
Gather the information as illustrated in the following table and keep it for reference.