12 AVR2070 8240B-AVR-06/09
4.1.1 uTasker Patches
Since uTasker is a licensed RTOS, only a binary image has been provided for
demonstration purposes. If access to the uTasker source code is required, a license
can be acquired via www.utasker.com. uTasker offers excellent licensing programs at
no or minimal cost.
With a license to uTasker, the source code can be patched to implement the RUM
architecture. These modifications add support for the RUM system and user
interaction. For instance, a user interface or menu system allows the user to change
the operating channel and other radio values. The code modifications can be found in
these files:
Application Level:
Stack Level:
Since uTasker is provided in source code form, patch files have been produced for all
modifications needed to implement RUM with uTasker. To implement the patch files
the following procedure should be followed.
1. Download and Install WinAVR from www.sourceforge.net which provides the
patch.exe program needed to patch the uTasker project with RUM source.
2. Open the uTasker OS source code package (only available with a uTasker
license from www.utasker.com).
3. Be sure to download uTasker SP4 and apply the service pack to the original
uTasker OS source files. (Explained on uTasker website - simple copy and
replace files to apply service pack)
4. After the service pack has been installed, locate the upatch.bat and utasker-
patch files in the \patch folder within the source download package.
5. Copy these files to the same directory containing the uTasker OS with SP4
(eg. C:\project\... should contain these two files plus uTasker directory).
6. Using Windows Explorer, double click the .bat file to patch the uTasker
source for use with RUM. Note: Only run this patch procedure once.