Table 5-1 ARM Telnet Menu Commands ASCII Command Description
a (lowercase) IP Address. This is the current IPv4 address of the SAM7X.
A (uppercase) IPv6 Address. This is the IPv6 address that has been self configured
or configured as a result of connecting to a true IPv6 router.
b Break. This allows the user to stop collecting data to the SD card.
c (lowercase) Channel. This allows the user to change the operating channel.
C (uppercase) Calibrate. Allows the user to calibrate the end node both single and
double set points.
d Dump. This shows the current content of the radio control registers.
f Filen ame. This allows the user to set a new file name for data
collection on the SD card.
i (lowercase) Info. This provides a quick display of current radio settings including,
PANID, Channel, Short Address, etc.
I (uppercase i) New IP address. This allows the user to set a new IPv4 address. Once
entered the old one will no longer respond.
l (lowercase L) Log. This will resume data collection to the SD card. It is the corollary
to the “b” command.
n Name. Allows the user to set the name of a node – 11 characters
o Toggle node readings. Nodes report sensor readings on a periodic
basis (if APP=1). This allows readings to be displayed as they are
received. Does not affect collecting data to SD card.
p Ping. Ping a user selected node.
Q Quit. Quit the telnet session.
r Read interval. Allows the user to alter the interval at which the end or
router nodes will report data to the PAN Coordinator.
t (lowercase) T able. Display a table of nodes and their relationships.
T (uppercase) Touch. Provides a method to either ping or change the interval of all
nodes on the network.
w Wake. If a node has been loaded with code that allows sleep
(SLEEP=1) then it must be woken up before it can respond to
commands such as “r”.
X Max power. The PAN Coordinator is set to transmit at the lowest
power setting in demo mode. This turns up the transmit power to
+3dBm for the RF230 and the RF231. The Max power setting for the
RF212 is +8dBm for 900MHz operation and +5dBm for 700MHz