22 AVR2070 8240B-AVR-06/09
Table 5-2 AVR Serial Menu Commands
ASCII Command Description
T Touch. Ping or send a Reading (asks for ‘p’ or ‘r’ & interval time).
c Channel. This allows the user to change the operating channel.
d Dump. This shows the current content of the radio control registers.
i Info. This provides a quick display of current radio settings including,
PANID, Channel, Short Address, etc.
n Name. Allows the user to set the name of a node – 11 characters
p (lowercase) Ping. Ping a user selected node.
P (uppercase) Pause. Pause or un-pause serial display (stop serial input).
r Read interval. Allows the user to alter the interval at which the end or
router nodes will report data to the PAN Coordinator.
t Table. Display a table of nodes and their relationships.
s Stream Mode. This will stream ASCII data between any two nodes in
the network provided each device has a serial connection to a host
Note: This only works for AVR based devices
w Wake. If a node has been loaded with code that allows sleep
(SLEEP=1) then it must be woken up before it can respond to
commands such as “r”.