38 AVR2070 8240B-AVR-06/09
Table A-5-1. Beacon request and beacon frames
E1 FCF – beacon req
0x0803 Seq
01 Broadcast PAN ID
0xffff Broadcast short addr
0xffff 07 (beacon req)
C FCF – beacon
0x8000 Seq
01 PID
0x1234 Coord SA
0x0000 Superframe
0x40ff ID (6=6LoWPAN)
0x06 Hops
E1 selects C based on zero hops, and sends association request. The payload
contains E1's MAC address, and the SA of the parent. This is called a “direct
association request” because the source address is a long (MAC) address and the
frame was sent directly from the associating node.
Table A-5-2. Association request frame (direct)
E1 FCF –assoc req
0xC863 Seq
02 PID
0x1234 C SA
0x0000 E1 MAC addr
0x1122334455667788 MAC
01 Parent SA
0x0000 Type
C assigns E1 to its table of nodes, and sends an association response. This is a
“direct association response” because the destination address is a long address, so
that the frame is sent directly to the newly-associated node.
Table A-5-3. Association response frame (direct)
C FCF – assoc rsp
0x8C63 Seq
03 PID
0x1234 E1 MAC
0x1122334455667788 Coord SA
0x0000 MAC Cmd
02 E1 SA
E1 stores two addresses: its own newly-acquired short address, and the short
address of its parent.. In this case the parent is the coordinator C.
E1 sends data to coordinator C as needed.
Table A-5-4. Data packet to coordinator
E1 FCF – data
0x8861 Seq
04 PID
0x1234 Coord SA
0x0000 E1 SA
0x0002 Final
Dest SA
A.5.2 Example 2 – Router R1 connects to Coordinator C
Coordinator C has started and has chosen PANID = 0x1234, and short address =
Router node R1 starts, does a scan, and finds the coordinator C (and receives no
other beacons).
Table A-5-5. Beacon request and beacon frames
R1 FCF – beacon req
0x0803 Seq
01 Broadcast PAN ID
0xffff Broadcast short addr
0xffff 07 (beacon req)
C FCF – beacon
0x8000 Seq
01 PID
0x1234 Coord SA
0x0000 Superframe
0x40ff ID (6=6LoWPAN)
0x06 Hops
R1 selects C as it is the only available network, and sends an association request.
Table A-5-6. Association request (direct)
R1 FCF –assoc req
0xC863 Seq
02 PID
0x1234 C SA
0x0000 R1 MAC addr
0x3333444455556666 MAC
01 Parent SA
0x0000 Type