20 AVR2070 8240B-AVR-06/09
5 Running the RUM Demo Now that all the platforms have been properly configured with RUM, operating the
RUM demo without IPv6 is described in this section. It is assumed there is only one
PAN Coordinator per network and the PAN Coordinator can be either the
AT91SAM7X-EK board with radio interface, or another small AVR 8-bit based
platform described in section 2 (see Appendix E for third-party platforms).
If an AVR based platform is selected, there is no Ethernet interface
directly supported, just the optional serial interface. Therefore, any
Telnet and Webserver communication will not be available for network
5.1 Operation
A PAN Coordinator will start a network by first locating a clear channel to begin
operations on. The PAN Coordinator will select a random PAN_ID, unless a static one
has been defined during compile time, and will begin accepting association requests
from router and end nodes. This mechanism is very similar to that described in
section 5.3 of the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 specification.
5.1.1 Network Formation
The network formed by the RUM protocol is a non-beaconing network. After the PAN
Coordinator has selected a channel to operate on, other nodes can begin to join the
network. The PAN Coordinator will issue beacons in response to beacon requests.
When a node wishes to join the network, it will send an association request to the
PAN Coordinator and the PAN Coordinator will respond with an association response.
From this, the node will retrieve its own short address. For more details about the
RUM protocol, see Appendix A.
5.1.2 Application Interface
The typical user interface to a running system with the SAM7X is the telnet menu
described in table 5-1. If an AVR platform is used as the PAN Coordinator, a different
menu is available via a serial interface described in table 5-2. The simple web server
will show a simple network table and allow the user to ping a specific node.
In order to communicate with the SAM7X telnet menu via the default IP address, see
section 4.4 for a description on how to configure the SAM7X and the local PC.
5.1.3 Main Menu
The telnet and serial menu selections are meant to be self descriptive however a
more detailed description is offered here.
Many of these are only available with the compile flag APP=SENSOR.
Also, for the ARM some of these require the compile flag