C sends association response.
Table A-5-7. Associaton response (direct)
C FCF – assoc rsp
0x8C63 Seq
03 PID
0x1234 E1 MAC
0x3333444455556666 Coord SA
0x0000 MAC Cmd
02 R1 SA
R1 stores two addresses: Parent (coord) SA and R1 SA.
A.5.3 Example 3 – Router R3 connects to Coordinator C
This example is identical to example 2, except that R3 receives a beacon from R1 as
well as C. Since the coordinator C node is accessible directly to R3, it ignores R1,
because the number of hops are higher than directly connecting to the coordinator C.
A.5.4 Example 4 – Router R2 connects to Network
This example shows a multi-hop node being configured. At the start, assume that
routers R1 and R3 are already associated to the network.
R2 powers up, and scans for routers. It gets a beacon from C, R1, and R3. Since C
is far away, its LQI is less than R1's LQI, so R2 ignores C and tries to connect to R1,
since its signal is stronger than R3's signal.
R2 sends an association request to R1. This is an “direct association request”
because the source address is long. All new nodes send a direct request, since they
do not yet have a short address.
Table A-5-8. Association request (direct)
R2 FCF –assoc req
0xC863 Seq
01 PID
0x1234 R1 SA
0x0003 R1 MAC addr
0x5555444433332222 MAC
01 Parent SA
0x0003 Type
R1 forwards the association request to C, after re-arranging the packet into an
“indirect association request”, which has both addresses as short.
Table A-5-9. Association request (indirect)
R1 FCF –assoc
req 0x8863 Seq
02 PID
0x1234 C SA
0x0000 R1 SA
0x0003 MAC
Par SA
0x0003 R2 MAC addr
0x5555444433332222 Type
C stores R2's MAC address and assigns a short address to R2. It then sends back
an association response frame.
This is an “indirect association response” frame, since the response is sent through a
router and not directly to the end node. Indirect frames use short addresses for both
source and destination.
Table A-5-10. Association response (indirect)
C FCF – assoc rsp
0x8863 Seq
03 PID
0x1234 R1 SA
0x0003 C SA
0x0000 MAC
02 Parent SA
0x0003 R2 MAC ad
0x55554... R2 SA
R1 receives the frame from C, and notices that the Parent SA matches its own SA.
This causes R1 to re-package the frame into a “direct association response” frame,
and to store R2's SA in its child table before sending the association response on to