A new window will pop up, and select the “Zylin Embedded debug (Native)” category,
and hit the new button. Set the name, and then set the project by hitting the “Browse”
button and selecting the project.
Assuming the project has successfully been built, pressing the “Search Project”
button beside the “C/C++ Application” line should acquire the ELF file for this project.
Next, select the “Debugger” tab. Set the GDB debugger to the location of the “arm-elf-
gdb.exe” binary, in this example it is C:\Program Files\yagarto\bin\arm-elf-gdb.exe.
Clear the line that says “GDB command file”:
Figure D-3-13 Eclipse GDB Server - Debugger
Next select the “Commands” tab. In the “Initialize commands”, copy the following:
# Listening for commands on this PC's tcp port 2331
target remote localhost:2331
# Enable flash download and flash breakpoints.
# Flash download and flash breakpoints are features of
# the J-Link software which require separate licenses
# from SEGGER.
# Select flash device
#monitor flash device = AT91SAM7X256
# Enable FlashDL and FlashBPs
#monitor flash download = 1
#monitor flash breakpoints = 1
# Set gdb server to little endian