Function Key Programming | Function Keys - Page 49 |
This function requires the relay switch (1 or 2) on the telephone system to be entered when programmed. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Pressing Relay switches the specified relay on.
[User Digital Telephony Advanced Relay Relay On]
Rely- - Relay Off
Switch the specified external output relay (1 or 2) off.
This function requires the relay switch (1 or 2) on the telephone system to be entered when programmed. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Pressing Relay switches the specified relay off.
[User Digital Telephony Advanced Relay Relay Off]
Resum - Resume Call
Resume a call previously suspended into a specified ISDN exchange slot. This function is not supported in the USA.
This function requires the exchange slot number to be specified when programmed. The slot number is then shown next to Resum. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Pressing Resum resumes any call previous suspended into the specified exchange slot. Suspended calls can be resumed by any extension.
[User Digital Telephony Advanced Call Resume Call]
See also:
•SusCW - Suspend CW on page 53.
•Suspe - Suspend Call on page 54.
Rtriv - Retrieve Call
Retrieve a call previously held into a specified ISDN central office slot and is only supported if the central office provides a Q.931 hold facility. This function is not supported in the USA.
This function requires the central office slot number to be specified when programmed. The slot number is then shown next to Rtriv. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Pressing Rtriv retrieves any call previous held into the specified central office slot. Held calls can only be retrieved by the extension that put the call on central office hold.
[User Digital Telephony Advanced Call Retrieve Call]
See also:
• Hold - Hold Call on page 43.
Ride - Ride Call
Unpark a parked call from a specified system park slot.
IP Office 5410 User’s Guide | Function Keys - Page 49 |
40DHB0002UKEY – Issue 1 (7th February 2005) | Function Key Programming |