Telephone settings
the ringing cycles on the handset. If Cadence Mode is disabled on your
handset, the handset continuously plays its ringing melody on any
incoming call, irrespective of the Tones and Cadences configuration on
your CS 1000 system.
To activate Cadence Mode on your handset, perform the following steps:
After you activate Cadence Mode, you can optionally select a handset
ring melody that has a desirable interaction with the cadences
programmed on the CS 1000 system. For more information about
selecting a ring melody, see “Defining the ring external melody”
(page 175).
1. Open the Sounds and alerts menu using the steps
in “Accessing the Sounds and alerts menu”
(page 174).
2. Press the Up or Down key to highlight Cadence
3. Press the Select soft key.
4. Press the Up or Down key to select On or Off.
5. Press the Select soft key to apply the changes.
6. Press the Clr key one or more times to return to the
idle display.
Cadence Mode