charging the batteries 22
CLID (Calling Line Identification)
configuring shortcuts 163
connectivity settings 217
contacts 93
accessing the contacts menu
adding a contact name 99
adding a contact number 95
adding a contact ringtone 100
adding a new contact 94
deleting a contact 101
deleting a contact number 98
editing a contact number 96
controls 35
key functions in call mode 38
key functions in dialogue mode
key functions in edit mode 41
key functions in idle mode 36
key functions in menu mode 40
locking or unlocking the dial-
pad 45
daily alarm
creating 148
editing 149
turning off 150
configuring 161
DECT system configuration 46
DECT system name 47
dialled calls list 81
accessing 81
deleting all entries 85
deleting an entry 85
dialling a number 82
transferring a number to the
caller filter list 84
transferring a number to your
contacts list 82
viewing information about a
call 81
dialogue mode 31, 40
directory number 245
display 26
dialogue area 29
icon line 27
LED 33
soft key line 33
Display areas 26
display settings 189
display settings menu
accessing 189
DN 245
during a call 62
adjusting the headset or loud-
speaker volume 62
using mute 63
edit mode 32, 41
emergency call 206
creating a text message 208
number configuration 207
feature overview 13
FFC codes 219
first value 195
Flexible Feature Code (FFC) 245