Appendix A: FLASH Upgrades
Upgrading the AutoView 2000 switch
You can upgrade the firmware of your AutoView 2000 switch by using a special update utility provided by Avocent. This utility automatically configures the port communications settings to allow direct downloading from the connected server.
Items needed for the upgrade
•Server running Windows NT®, Windows® 95, Windows 98 or Windows 2000
•Available serial port (COM port) on the server
•Null modem serial cable
•Firmware update
To upgrade firmware:
1.Connect the standard serial cable to a COM port on the server and to the serial connector on the back panel of the switch. Make a note of which COM port you have chosen, then turn on the switch.
2.Go to http://www.avocent.com/support and click on product upgrades to access the firmware upgrade file. Once the download is complete, navigate to the drive where you have saved the firmware update and unzip the file.
4.In the dialog box that displays, select the desired language and COM port.
5.Click Load.
6.Once the firmware is updated, the following message displays Download complete. Click Done to exit the dialog box.
7.The switch automatically reboots after the upgrade is completed.
Possible error conditions
If the download does not execute properly, verify the following:
•Verify that the COM port is correct.
•Verify that no other program is currently using the COM port, or that no previous DOS win- dow/shell is open that had used the desired COM port.
•Verify that no other copies of the WUpDate utility are currently running.
•Verify that a null modem serial cable is used.