AXIS 233D - Using the Network Dome Camera 9
Using the Network Dome Camera
This document includes instructions for using and managing the AXIS 233D. For instructions on how to install the AXIS 233D on your network refer to the Installation Guide which is supplied with the product in printed format or in PDF format from the Axis Web site at http://www.axis.com
The AXIS 233D can be used with most standard operating systems and supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x or later, Netscape 7.x or later and Mozilla 1.4 or later.
Accessing the AXIS 233D
1.Start a Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape Navigator).
2.Enter the IP address or host name of the AXIS 233D in the Location/Address field of your Web browser.
3.Enter the user name and password set by the administrator.
4.A video image is displayed in your Web browser.
Note: • To be able to view streaming video in Microsoft Internet Explorer, you must set your Web browser to allow ActiveX controls. If your working environment restricts the use of additional software components, you can configure the AXIS 233D to use a Java applet for updating images. Please refer to the online help files for more information.
•User functions in the AXIS 233D may have been customized to meet the specific requirements of the application. Consequently, many of the examples and functions in this section may differ from those displayed in your Live View page.