AXIS M3011 - System Options
Enable AVHS - AXIS Video Hosting System (AVHS) in conjunction with an AVHS service provides easy and secure Internet access to live and recorded video accessible from any location. For more information and help to find a local AVHS Service Provider please go to www.axis.com. If AVHS is not to be used this option can be disabled.
•Always - The camera will constantly attempt to connect to the AVHS service over the Internet. Once registered the camera will stay connected to the service. This option can be used when the camera is already installed and it is not convenient to use the
AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS Service - Use the AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS service to assign a host name for easy access to your network camera (requires Internet access).
Click Settings... to register the camera with the Axis Internet Dynamic DNS service, or to modify the existing settings (requires access to the Internet). The domain name currently registered at the Axis Internet Dynamic DNS service for your product can at any time be removed.
For more information, please refer to the online help .