AXIS M3011 - System Options
QoS Settings - For each type of network traffic supported by your Axis network video product, enter a DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value. This value is used to mark the traffic’s IP header. When the marked traffic reaches a network router or switch, the DSCP value in the IP header tells the router or switch the type of treatment to apply to this type of traffic, for example, how much bandwidth to reserve for it. Note that DSCP values can be entered in decimal or hex form, but saved values are always shown in decimal.
For more information on Quality of Service, please see the Axis support web at www.axis.com/techsup
SMTP (email)
Enter the host names (or IP addresses) and port numbers for your primary and secondary mail servers in the fields provided, to enable the sending of notifications and image email messages from the camera to predefined addresses via SMTP.
If your mail server requires authentication, check the box for Use authentication to log in to this server and enter the
necessary information. See the online help for more information.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows remote management of network devices. An SNMP community is the group of devices and management station running SNMP. Community names are used to identify groups.
Depending on the level of security required, select the version of SNMP to use. The three levels of security are:
SNMP v1/v2
Select either SNMP V1 that includes no security, or SNMP V2c that uses very simple security.
The community name can be specified as a password for read or read/write access to all supported SNMP objects. The community is the group of network devices using SNMP. The default password for the Read Community is public and the default password for the Write community is write.
Traps for SNMP v1/v2
Traps are used by the camera to send messages to a management system for important events or status changes.
If Enable traps is selected, enter the email address where the trap message is to be sent as well as the Trap community that should receive the message.
There are four types of traps available for the AXIS M3011.
•Cold start
•Warm start
•Link up
•Authentication failed
SNMP V3 - provides encryption and secure passwords. HTTPS must be enabled. To use traps with SNMP v3 an SNMP v3 management application is required.
If the Enable SNMP v3 option is enabled, provide the Initial user password. Note that the initial password is activated only when HTTPS is enabled and can only be set once.
If HTTPS is enabled, SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c should be disabled.
When SNMP configuration is ready, click Save to use the new settings or Reset to return to the default values.
The network camera includes support for UPnP™. UPnP™ is enabled by default, and the network camera then is automatically detected by operating systems and clients that support this protocol.